One small concern is that you have a sleeping baby son in the room with you. Sleeping in a bedside cot, you need to make sure the baby is safe and not to close to his sick older sister. You lay in bed awake hoping that your daughter's wimping and cries doesn't wake her brother. Cuddles are available until baby wakes and he needs to be fed.
Soon your son is awake and cuddles on the couch begin. In between feeding the baby, you need to make sure your daughter is comfortable, has plenty of fluids and eating something. You remember the days when your daughter was a only child and you would sit on the couch with her laying in your lap the whole day and not worry about anything else. Now you have a sweet little baby boy that also needs your attention.
It is almost impossible to breastfeed a baby while a toddler laying across your lap. Once the baby is fed and daughter has some food and fluids, you can put on a movie and hopefully they will both fall asleep. They are momentarily asleep so you quietly and carefully get up from the couch to quickly use the toilet, eat some food, and clean up the piles of tissues and dirty dishes.
Sooner that you hope your baby son awakes. The problem arises when your daughter wake up crying and desperately needing cuddles but baby is feeding again. She does not understand why you can not remove the baby from our your lap for her. There is a look her eyes that she wishes the baby was not there taking her mummy's attention. You put your son in the bouncing chair and now he is upset. You feel horrible for your son. Majority of the time, you are able to meet the needs of your daughter and son but now you are being pulled into two different directions. It breaks your heart that one or both of them are upset and you can't comfort one of them without upsetting the other one. Eventually they will both are content again and you have made it through this motherhood challenge.
Oh bless you it's so tough having two little ones on normal days but when the toddler one is sick and you need them close but baby too but don't want baby to get sick either I know the feeling hunny. Challenging at best. Biggest hugs hope all is well now for you all. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what i am going through right now too, my daughter is ill and wants and needs her mummy's attention but i also have her baby brother to look after too and her older sister. Being a mum is amazing but sometimes very hard work too x #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteIt is awful when they both need you. I try not to show preference but when a baby needs you it is often the way that the toddler is made to wait. Such a hard one, as you say, it soon passes xx
ReplyDeleteAww sending you hugs! Moments like this in here at home I would always write my mother a letter thanking her for what she had done cuz the only time I know that its hard is when I have experienced it myself. #Sharewithme
ReplyDeleteOh I do remember those times. My youngest has kidney reflux, so the first year was always back and forth to the hospital, and missing the eldest friends birthday parties and play dates, and the not sure which one to comfort first. It does pass, but the squabbles begin over who gets to sit closest to mummy... #binkylinky
ReplyDeleteOh I hadn't even considered this as a possibilty...hope she is better now,
Aww... Sorry to hear your toddler is unwell... I just know how difficult it is when one is poorly, I imagine how difficult it could be having a sick child and taking of a baby too! sending lots of luv..x
I hope she feels better soon. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky