Joining Clare from Maybush Studio with her "Home Life Photography Project - July 2016". This monthly photography project involves documenting your daily life for one day per month.
DATE: Saturday, July 2nd and Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
I decided to document the whole weekend because it was filled with new adventures but also reflection of how quickly my children are growing. We started Saturday with a session of running around the backyard and digging in the sandbox. While my son had his first haircut on Friday, my daughter has only had about one inch cut from her hair in her whole life. I love seeing her blond baby curls at the end of her long hair.
Saturday Afternoon was filled with two Summer School Fairs. We first headed to daughter's new school to explore the playground for the first time. She loved exploring and may never want to come home after school in September.
We then headed to Preschool's Summer Fair. Little Ladybug (LL) has been attending this day nursery since she was a little over 1 years old so I could not help thinking about how quickly has time has passed. I remember trying to keep her from getting knocked over by the big Preschools and now she is the big Preschool that other Mothers are keeping their children away from. Meanwhile, my son was trying to keep up with the bigger children and trying out all the balance bikes. 

Unfortunately, LL was jumping around on the slippery wet decking and slipped forward landing on her chin. She was brave girl but wanted to go home shortly afterwards. She tried to take nap but her little brother kept poking her. A little payback for the fact LL is always walking up her Little Brother when he trying to nap.
Sunday was Race for the Cure day. The "girls" got together for a 5K walk. LL was looking forward to race and getting a metal at the end. She had to get her Spider Girl mask done at the end of the race.
Washing the car before dinner was the final activity for this busy weekend. We are all looking forward to sunshine in the summer holidays in a couple weeks.
Thank you for visiting today. The next instalment will be on August 8th, 2016. For more details on Home Life Photography Project.
Aren't we ALL looking forward to sunshine in the summer holidays! I just hope it actually happens! The weather forecast for this weekend is good though, so maybe that's the beginning of things? Thank you for linking up and I love that picture of Little Brother poking LL. It's the same in our house, but usually a dog being poked! :-)