Saturday 15 August 2015

Siblings - August 2015

I love my "Big Sister" because she ...
- puts on my sunhat back on my head when it falls off
- helps Mommy with keeping me from rolling or crawling off the bed
- is brave when she holds slimy snails and shows them to be me
- gives me lots of "Huggulles" (combination of hugs and snuggles)
- builds block castles for me
- held my hand on my first journey on the London Underground and local bus
- is still so funny
and is my Best Friend!

I love my "Baby Brother" because he ...
- does not get upset when I walk him up early in the morning
- loves jumping on the bed with me
- forgives me when I push him over
- shares his baby toys and teddies with me
- makes me smile
- shares his apples and bananas with me
and is my Best Friend!

Brother is almost crawling. You can see in his eyes that he wants to chase after his sister. He is constantly wiggling around on his tummy to reach his Sister's toys or steal some food from her plate. Sister has moments of not appreciating that her brother can now reach and steal/borrow her toys and give back with a little dribble. Sister enjoys making up stories and making us all laugh. She is a very good sister and protective of her Brother. She loves telling strangers in public about her Brother (or "my baby"). Next Siblings photo will be posted from the USA!
dear beautiful

1 comment

  1. So sweet! I love recording these little moments, so good to have this to look back on when they are older isn't it? x


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