Tuesday 11 February 2014

New Adventures

Almost a month ago, my current employment contract was terminated.  It was not the best start to 2014.  The previous 7 months had been filled with pregnancy sadness and disappointments so being unexpectedly being unemployed was not helping my positivity level for 2014.  I quickly moved onto my other goals for 2014.

During the beginning of January, I was trying to work while trying to complete my 1st module of assignments for KLC School of Designs.  I enrolled in the Open Learning Course for Interior Design over 10 years ago and then my husband very sweetly paid more money to update the course materials a couple years ago.  Shortly after the birth of my daughter in 2012, I got an email from KLC that to continue on the course I must complete the 1st module of work by February 1st, 2014.  It was a very fair deadline but the last 2 years I focused on spending time with my family.  On New Year's Day 2014, I officially started working on the course work.  The new unemployed status meant that I could spend 2 weeks focusing on KLC.  I cried tears of frustration a couple times in that 2 weeks and a few technical pins may have been thrown across the room. My daughter had a hard time understanding why Mommy was locked in her bedroom for the whole weekend and why she could not make circles on my Mommy's drawings. My husband kept my daughter feed and entertained. We all survived the 2 weeks of non-stop KLC focus.  It was a very challenging experience but I was honoured to meet and correspond with a group of inspirational fellow students that were also trying to make the deadline.  I was very excited and rather nervous when I hand-delivered my portfolio on Monday, February 3rd to KLC in Chelsea Harbour.

Now that I started, I am committed to continue with this course.  Look forward to posting my graded Module 1 in the next month and working on the next assignment. Deadline goal .... June 1st, 2014.


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